Friday, September 5, 2008

Mallory Cate

So Mallory started pre-school this morning and I have to say I was a little sad. But Mallory was sooooo ready! She was dressed and ready by 8:00 am! When I told her there was another hour and a half, she was furious. But somehow she made it til 9:30 and walked right into class as if she had been there 100 times. The big surprise was Mia. She was so sad, she started to cry and said she wanted to go to school with Mallory. So here are some pics of Miss Mallory-

Mallory at 2
Mallory having one of her "Freak Outs". Can you tell she doesn't do well under stress?
This is totally Mallory. Very goofy and funny, we never quite know what she is doing or thinking, she is just being Mallory!
1st day of pre-school(today, not 01-12-2004- sorry April) Mallory and Daddy fishing


Kelly said...

oh, she's such a pretty girl! growing up....

Anonymous said...

She is just beautiful w/ a fun and cute personality to go w/ it! So, how is it at home w/ just one kiddo? Quiet? :)

Lewis Family said...

So cute! and I am going to come over and set that darn camera date for you one of these days! (heehee)